Brake shoes are an important part of a trailers running gear they need to be regularly checked and maintained to ensure they work correctly.
Brake shoes comprise of 2 parts. The main body which is of steel construction and is referred to as the actual shoe and the lining which is normally bonded to it.
The lining on the shoes will wear down over time so this needs to be checked regularly. Common things to look out for are:
1: Uneven wear - this can be caused by seized cables, expander or adjuster.
2: Lining worn very low / down to the metal - this can be caused by a lack of servicing, sticking cables or an out of adjustment braking system.
3: Contamination - this can be caused by grease from overheated bearings. In all these cases brake shoes would need to be replaced.

AL-KO Brake Shoes
Fitted to many of the Brian James range of Car Transporters, CarGo Goods trailers, CarGo Flatbeds and Plant Trailers. They are also used on almost all Caravans with a few exceptions. The main thing about AL-KO Brake shoes is that they are identical, both shoes are exactly the same, this is what to look out for:
1. They have a series of holes through the body
2. They have a small keyhole shaped in the centre of the curve
3. Genuine parts will be stamped with the manufacturers name and part number
KNOTT Brake Shoes
Fitted to all the Ifor Williams LM, GP, Plant, Livestock, Tiltbed, Transporter and Horse Boxes along with some of the Indespension range of Trailers. The main thing about KNOTT brake shoes is that they are both different, this is what to look out for:
1. One shoe is slightly shorter than the other
2. This shoe is mounted to a steel slider
3. The brake shoe is secured to the slider with 2 springs
4. Genuine parts will be stamped with the manufacturers name

BPW Brake Shoes
Fitted to some Caravans and trailers. The main thing about BPW brake shoes is that they are symmetrical, both shoes are the same, this is what to look out for:
1. They have only 2 holes through the body of the shoe
2. One hole is an elongated and at the centre of the curve
3. Genuine parts will be stamped with the manufacturers name.
We stock original equipment brake shoes from AL-KO Knott and BPW alongside quality aftermarket pattern parts. If you're still unsure about which parts you need simply call us on 01622 662700 or email us at We are happy to help.